By default using the order by year / model will specify a rebuilt gearbox to the same specification as that originally fitted to the vehicle
Regulation & Deal Gearboxes
Regulation gearboxes are those built to the specification required for a particular organised motorsport championship.
Deal gearboxes are those which incorperate a number of additional upgrades on which a discount can be offered.
Order by Specification (Advanced)
Save this specification
The specfication has been saved, you may return to this specification at any time over the next 90 days using the url below.
It should be noted that the price of this specification is subject to change, but when returning using the url any price variations will be recalculated automatically.
Confirm the Order
If you wish to pay via PAYPAL, please complete the details below and click Buy Now, alternatively call GUESSWORKS on 08000 248454 quoting the reference "52556" and pay by Card.